== Nixon Computer ==

GAME CLEAR No. 145 -- BoxBoy!

video games game clear boxboy nintendo 3ds

BoxBoy! (2015, 3DS)

Developer: HAL Laboratory
Publisher: Nintendo
Clear Date: 9/13/23


Boy-shaped box

This is another one of those games I bought because the eShop was closing and it had been on my “maybe I should play that I guess” list and FOMO got me.

It’s uh. Okay. It’s a little puzzle platformer. You’re a walking box that can make more boxes, and using this ability, you can traverse things.

I think it’s just like way too easy until the very last levels, but this also means it’s a relatively light, unfrustrating experience. Not bad to play while maybe watching sports or on a plane or train or something, but it’s still pretty inessential.

I am not drawn to this boy. This box.

Maybe the sequels get a bit more fun or engaging? They kept making them, so I guess people liked them.
