== Nixon Computer ==

GAME CLEAR No. 12 -- Tetris Effect

game clear ps4 playstation video games

Tetris Effect (2018, Multiplatform)

Developer: Monstars, Resonair, Stage Games
Publisher: Enhance Games
Clear Date: 1/1/2021
Clear Platform: PS5 via Backwards Compatibility


I beat this game at about 12:30AM on January 1st, which put on me pace to beat about 17000 games this year! Suffice it to say I have not kept that pace since.

Been wanting to knock this one out to clean up my PS4 backlog, and it was easy to put away. It’s got a very short campaign, I just never quite finished it. Finally did, and it was very unexciting, but a “campaign” isn’t really the point of Tetris. What this game is good at is being a really pleasant audiovisual experience. Playing Tetris while a surprisingly good music generation engine operates behind it is just so cool. It’s the kind of synthesis of concepts I’d never have thought of but am so glad someone did.

Not a lot else to say about this one, but it’s definitely good. I’m sure I’ll return to it from time to time in the future.