== Nixon Computer ==

GAME CLEAR No. 2 -- Super Ghouls'n Ghosts

game clear video games capcom snes nintendo

Super Ghouls’n Ghosts (1991, SNES)

Clear Date: 10/12/2020
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom


Continuing my October/Halloween trend, I’ve knocked out Super Ghouls’n Ghosts! With a double jump, more weapons, and more armor, it’s more interesting and has more going on than its predecessors, but whereas the second game was a bit easier than the first, Super is damned hard, especially the final level. Maybe I was just tilted, but I found the penultimate boss extremely frustrating (mostly because of the mediocre weapon you’re forced to beat him with).

This was exacerbated by the fact that my playthough was interrupted in the second lap of the game twice. The first time was a power outage, which I was concerned about because of the weather my place saw thanks to Hurricane Delta. Whatever! That was at least kind of funny. The second time, I gave my desk a frustrated smack during the second-to-last boss, which caused it to crash. Worst part is, I knew that could happen too! I had been extremely careful not make any sudden movements with my SNES or controller, but my emotions got the best of me. After two such dead runs, I decided to use the Switch’s rewind tool to do my best speed run back to where I was, after which I finished the game with no assists.

I didn’t think until after doing all that to check if the game had a level select code, which of course it does. Still can only put you at the end of the first playthrough, but that would’ve saved me a lot of time still. Oh well!

Anyway, that’s my experience with Super GnG. It frustrated the hell out of me, but that’s the point, and the platforming and shooting action feels good. The levels are interesting but maybe not quite as cool as the WonderSwan game. With fully upgraded weapons on the second playthrough, the game makes you feel like a superhero compared to the struggles of the first. That feeling is still so good. I sure hope Capcom digs this IP out of the archives someday, ‘cause I’ve only got Ultimate Ghosts’n Goblins on PSP left before I’m done with the main series. Still a number of spinoffs left, but I’ll miss having new levels to play through with Arthur once I’m done with this one.