== Nixon Computer ==

GAME CLEAR No. 54 -- Fighting Vipers

video games game clear sega am2 saturn xbox live arcade xbla

Fighting Vipers (1995, Multiplatform)

Developer: SEGA AM2
Publisher: SEGA
Clear Date: 9/27/2021
Clear Version: Xbox Live Arcade
Clear Platform: Xbox Series X via Backwards Compatibility


Fighting Vipers has been on my mind since I played it in Judgment several months ago. It piqued my interest further when I found out you could fight Pepsiman in it.

I imported it for Saturn since prices of US copies are getting a bit out of hand (and they don’t feature Pepsiman anyway). But I ended up paying 5 more bucks to play a much prettier version on 360. That’s the one I beat.

Overall, not a lot to say here that I didn’t already say about Virtua Fighter 2. It looks, plays, and feels like Virtua Fighter. It has more eclectic characters and features armors and breakable walls, but that’s about the only difference. Still, I’d love to play this with friends some time. I’m sure I will some day.

If you wanna play a weird, floaty fighting game but Virtua Fighter is a bit too conservative and realistic for you, maybe this will scratch that itch.