== Nixon Computer ==

GAME CLEAR No. 97 -- Pac Motos

video games game clear pac-man namco bandai namco ps4 playstation

Pac Motos (2007, Wii)

Compilation: Pac-Man Museum+ (2022, Multiplatform)
Original Compilation: Namco Museum Remix (2007, Wii)
Original Compilation Developer: Namco Bandai Games
Original Compilation Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
New Compilation Developer: Now Production
New Compilation Publisher: Bandai Namco
Clear Platform: PlayStation 5
Clear Date: 6/26/22


Pac Motos is one of the more surprising delights of the Pac-Man Museum+ compilation. Prior to playing this game, I was not aware of the 1985 Namco arcade game Motos, so I didn’t really know what this was. Turns out it’s sort of a bumper car type game in which your goal is to ring-out the opposition. Pac Motos, meanwhile, is basically the same thing but with some Pac-Man skins and styling. It is fundamentally Motos more than it is Pac-Man, but this is an interesting way to expose people to the game.

And it’s pretty fun! Pac Motos overall is a pretty short experience. I think it took me less than an hour to blast through it, but it’s a lot of fun. It also definitely has me interested in playing the arcade game, which came out on Switch as part of the Arcade Archives series early last month (that is likely not a coincidence).

Even though this isn’t really a Pac-Man game, it’s a worthy inclusion in the museum and is a value-add overall.